1. All individual information provided in this survey WILL NOT be disclosed either within the participant group or to third parties
  2. When data is shared we will remove any identifying particulars.
  3. Data will only be used to inform future decision making and in endeavouring to secure future funding.
  4. We appreciate full participation from venues, as this ensures any resulting decisions on the future of the festival are well informed.
  5. We understand you may not wish to disclose specific financial information, however attaching numbers to requests for funding and support can be very impactful. You have our assurance that no individual financial data will be onshared, however should you not wish to disclose numbers please put 0 in the relevant fields or leave blank.

Bickley Harvest Festival - Venue Survey

Thank you for being a part of the Bickley Harvest Festival! Your experience is important to us, and we would love to hear your thoughts. Please take a few moments to complete our survey and help us make next year’s festival even better. Your feedback will guide us in enhancing the activities, attractions, and overall experience.Thank you for your time and see you next year!

Must be included to enter prize draw
At what level did your venue participate at(Required)
List approx number of people that can be accommodated inside (out of weather) during the BHF
List approx number of people that can be accommodated outside during the BHF
Estimate if you don't have exact figures total revenue over weekend including Friday if you participated on this day.
Total additional costs incurred (compared to a "normal weekend") to hold your festival event/s including Friday if you participated on this day.
Net profit from the festival (Revenue minus expenses) including Friday if you participated on this day.
Saturday Peak Times (select all that apply)(Required)
Sunday Peak Times (select all that apply)(Required)

Comparison to Bickley Harvest Festival 2023

The following questions relate to comparing the data from last years festival to this years festival
% Increase/Decrease
% Increase/Decrease
We understand not everyone keeps this data, so just estimate or list as 0 if unsure or not applicable
% Increase/Decrease
Significantly LessSomewhat LessAbout the SameSomewhat MoreSignificantly More
Significantly LessSomewhat LessAbout the SameSomewhat MoreSignificantly More

Comparison to "normal" weekend

The following questions relate to comparing the data from a normal, "business as usual" weekend around the same time of year i.e. not Mothers Day, Easter etc. If you do not usually open at all, please leave this field blank
% Increase/Decrease
% Increase/Decrease
% Increase/Decrease
Significantly LessSomewhat LessAbout the SameSomewhat MoreSignificantly More
Significantly LessSomewhat LessAbout the SameSomewhat MoreSignificantly More
Significantly LessSomewhat LessAbout the SameSomewhat MoreSignificantly More